Welcome to 2017 Wheaton Orientation!
Posted August 16, 2017 by
Tags: My Wheaton Student Activities
Welcome to 2017 Wheaton Orientation!
Hello! This is James and Caitlyn and we are 2 of the 12 Wheaton students that make up this year’s Orientation Committee! Over the past several months our team has been planning the ins and outs of orientation week, as well as praying for you and your transition into Wheaton College. We cannot wait to welcome you and we are SO excited to see what God does in you and through you this year.
Before you jump in all the way, here are a few tidbits to keep in mind entering O-week:
1. Be bold–During orientation you are going to encounter many situations that push you outside your comfort zone. While this is a rather uncomfortable experience, don’t be afraid to embrace risk once in a while! Who knows where trying something new will lead you. More often than not, pushing past fear is where really wonderful things happen! Who knows, you might even make a few friends along the way!
2. Get sleep–This is super practical, but we know the transition into a new place is exhausting. Making the choice to go to bed when your body needs it will have a huge impact on your ability to adjust to your new environment. Naps are also a blessing (and will continue to be a blessing further into college so you might as well start them early)! Whatever amount of sleep makes you feel rested, make sure it makes it on the life priority list.
3. Ask questions–It is never fun to feel like you don’t understand a new situation. The transition to Wheaton will undoubtedly bring a plethora of questions to your mind. Ask them! Orientation Committee and the other returning students who are volunteering during the week are here to help YOU. We love Wheaton and want you to also, so please ask us anything.
4. Take a deep breath–Orientation can get overwhelming, so give yourself the grace to not feel pressured to figure out everything about college in one week. Understand that building relationships, figuring out a major, and finding your way around campus takes time, so be present and breathe.
We cannot wait to have you on campus very soon! As you prepare to embark on this new adventure, we pray that you are mindful of the Orientation theme verse for the week:
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-6
Hold onto the truth of salvation in these verses and remember that you are deeply loved by God. We are praying for you and cannot wait to meet you class of 2021!
James Sorensen ’19 is a double major in international relations and economics, and Caitlyn Chelsen ’20 is a communication major. Both James and Caitlyn are on the 2017 Orientation Committee and are excited to meet you this week.
To learn more about New Student Orientation at Wheaton, visit their website. To learn more about Wheaton, connect with Wheaton College Undergraduate Admissions. Set up a visit, or apply now.