Life With God Together

We love God because He first loved us.

  • We listen to God's Word because He is speaking.
  • We pray to God with praise and lament, repentance and petition because He hears and responds.
  • We give generously and gratefully because God provides for all our needs.

We love the Church because we are the body of Christ.

  • We worship the Triune God because He is worthy.
  • We work to God's glory and serve our neighbor's good because Christ is building His Kingdom.
  • We participate in rhythms of rest and renewal because God has rested and will renew all things. 

We love the world because Christ died for all.

  • We proclaim the Gospel because Jesus saves.
  • We practice hospitality because God has welcomed us into His family.
  • We do justice and love mercy because God created all people everywhere in His image.

Life with God Together is a spiritual formation initiative that endeavors to inspire students, faculty, and staff to grow a spiritually vibrant, Christ-like evangelical witness. This framework, championed by the Chaplain's Office, is designed to invite the entire Wheaton community into a shared rule of life, making space for us to be formed in our love for God, love for the Church, and love for the world through the nine spiritual disciplines found in the diagram above.