Wheaton College Chapel

Endeavoring to Worship in Unity

chapel-worship students

Chapel reflects the interdenominational nature of the College and includes speakers known for their Christian leadership and message to the Church and culture.

Chapel at Wheaton College is a time of corporate, Christian worship in which we commune with The Heavenly Father and with each other through the exaltation of Jesus Christ as empowered by The Holy Spirit. Chapel Worship is envisioned as an intentional, equitable, organic mosaic where the Gospel is proclaimed and applied, with the shared goal of nurturing Kingdom diversity through a variety of worship experiences reflective of the global evangelical church. Hearing and responding to God’s Word together is central as our community endeavors to worship with unity in the midst of Kingdom diversity. Reading, reflecting on, and explicating Scripture lies at the foundation of chapel planning and execution; Scripture is the lens through which all worship acts (such as prayer, music, arts, testimonies) are expressed.

Chapel Schedules and Broadcasts

Viewing Previous Chapels

Only Chapel Messages by Chapel Speakers will be posted to YouTube and made available following the service. However, complete Chapel worship services will not be posted. Therefore, anyone wishing to experience the complete service should do so in real-time, whether in-person or virtual.

The Chapel program seeks to nurture the spiritual life of students in the context of an academic environment. The graduate and undergraduate student bodies gather together in community every Wednesday at 10:40am in Edman Chapel.

The undergraduate student body also gathers on Mondays and Fridays at the same time. Chapel messages are given by our chaplain, president, faculty and staff, as well as guests, known for their Christian leadership and relevant messages to the church and culture.

The various forms and liturgies used in the design of Chapel Worship take advantage of the richness and diversity of Wheaton’s interdenominational constituency; variety in worship forms, traditions, and music enriches the educational and experiential dimension of the chapel program.

Another educational component of chapel includes the consideration of theological, social, ethical, psychological, and political issues from a distinctively Christian and Biblical perspective.

The year verse for the 2023-2024 academic year is 2 Timothy 1:9-10:

"He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of His Own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, Who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel" (NIV).

Visitors are always welcome to attend chapel and at times have the opportunity to sit among our faculty and staff.

Chapel Attendance