Reporting to the College
How to Report...
Filing a report is an important step to take after an incident has occurred. It allows the College to respond to your concern and care for you appropriately, and it may help to prevent future harms on campus.
Please take a moment to listen to our Director of Equity and Title IX Coordinator, Beth Maas explain how to report discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.
Why should I file a report?
- First and foremost, we care about your safety and notifying the College will help Wheaton to be able to respond to your concern and care for you.
- Reporting restores a feeling of personal power. You may be able to provide information that will hold an individual accountable for their actions.
- Reporting can prevent others from being sexually assaulted by making them aware of assaults and where they are occurring.
- Reporting will remind people that sexual assaults really do occur and can happen to anyone.
- Responsible employees” (see here for further information) are required to report any information regarding a potential violation of the Policy immediately to the appropriate Title IX Coordinator/Equity Officer.
How do I file a report?
If you have experienced sexual harassment or violence, or suspect that someone you know might be a victim of sexual harassment, violence, or abuse, call:
- Contact the Director of Equity and Title IX Coordinator, Beth Maas (Student Services Building Suite 218, 2nd floor) during business hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
- File a Report online: Report by clicking the orange or blue link tab located at the top of this page. You will receive a response within 24 hours from the Title IX Coordinator.
- Contact the Title IX Coordinators/Equity Officers:
- Beth Maas, Director of Equity and Title IX Coordinator: 630.752.7885 or
- Carrie Williams, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Equity Officer for Students: 630.752.5797 or
- Karen Tucker, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Equity Officer for Employees: 630.752.5060 or
- Contact Public Safety: 630.752.5911 or
Someone is available for student, faculty, and staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year. The College encourages the reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation regardless of the offender’s identity or position.
What happens when I file a report?
- The Title IX Coordinator will reach out to you to set an appointment to meet.
- Upon meeting with you, the Title IX Coordinator will offer process options and Supportive Measures.
- The Title IX Coordinator will consider your wishes with respect to Supportive Measures and explain to you the process for filing a Formal Complaint and options that are available to you. You will be offered the following: Report only, Restorative/Supportive Measures or Formal Investigation.
- Our processes are complainant-driven which means the Title IX Coordinator will work with you to talk through options that you feel comfortable with. The only exception is when there is a threat to campus or identified pattern of harm where the institution needs to act to ensure campus safety.