Title IX Training Material and IBHE Survey Results
New Federal Regulation 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D)
This regulation requires an institution to make materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process publicly available on its website. We have included links to the training materials below.
2024-25 Trainings and Survey Results
- 09.01.24 2024 IBHE Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey Results
- 09.06.24 Bryan Seiler, General Counsel - Title IX Policies and Procedures
- 12.05.24 Grand River Solutions - Illinois Regulations Briefing
2023-24 Trainings
2022-23 Trainings
- 05.15.23 Beth Maas- Bystander Intervention Training
- 04.21.23 Mark Griffin - Report Writing
- 02.16.23 Beth Maas, Hostile Environment -Severe, Pervasive and Objectively Offensive
- 01.20.23 Marie Morrison, Trauma Informed Training
- 12.09.22 Metropolitan Family Services - Domestic Violence
- 11.18.22 Campus Security Authorities (CSA) Jeanne Clery Act
- 11.08.22 The Intersection of Title IX and disability Law-OB-EB-CS
- 10.14.22 Metropolitan Family Services - Filing Protective Orders
- 09.16.22 Overview and differences between Title VI, VII, and IX
- 09.14.22 Engaging the Campus Community to Prevent Gender-Based Violence
2021-22 Trainings
- 10.15.21 Policy Updates and Overview (PowerPoint) - Bryan Seiler
- 11.19.21 Domestic Violence - Neil Schori (recording available upon request)
- 12.10.21 VAWA/Clery (PowerPoint) - Brandon Cheney
- 01.21.22 Stalking Awareness (PowerPoint) - Beth Maas
- 02.25.22 Equity, Title IX, and Disability (PowerPoint) - Melissa Norton
- 03.18.22 Criminal Law Consent, Stalking, OOP (PowerPoint) - Mike Fisher
- 04.08.22 Trauma Informed Care (PowerPoint) - Raven Fisher, MA, LCPC
- 05.13.22 Harvard University Implicit Bias Test (website)
- 07.28.22 Title IX and Equity Training for RD/GRA/RA (PowerPoint) - by Beth Maas
ATIXA (Association of Title IX Administrator) Training Materials
To Members of the Public Accessing This Site
34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) requires all ATIXA training materials to be posted publicly. This site facilitates the centralization of hundreds of materials developed by and owned by ATIXA, which can be linked to by individual colleges and schools.
The materials posted to this site are proprietary and are copyrighted. Those copyrights are registered with the Library of Congress. The legal penalties for copyright infringement range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed, and the infringer pays for all attorneys’ fees and court costs.
Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose. Any such use will result in damages equivalent to the full-per-head registration costs to the applicable ATIXA training, plus damages for reputational harm to ATIXA, in addition to any copyright infringement fines and/or penalties.
Proceeding to use and access the content on this page demonstrates your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. To contact ATIXA with questions about any of the contents of this site, please email info@atixa.org.
2020-21 Trainings
The following link will take you to the required training that our investigators receive and for which they are certified. Anyone who clicks the link will be taken to a landing page where they will be asked to provide their name and email and to agree to an acknowledgement regarding the purpose of access to the materials. They will then be able to access the training materials. *Please note that the materials may not be viewable while using Internet Explorer. We recommend viewing with a different browser.
Title IX Training: An Integrated and Coordinated Approach - September 16 - 18, 2020
- Maureen Holland, Member
- Devon Riley, Member
- Peter C. Lim, Counsel
- The Institutional Response Group | Cozen O’Connor
- Gina Maisto Smith, Chair
- Leslie M. Gomez, Vice Chair
Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training
- Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training (website)
Title IX Federal Regulations by the Office for Civil Rights
The following link will take you to a video from the Office of Civil Rights that consolidates the new Title IX Federal Regulations.
YWCA Trauma Informed Practices
The following links will take you to the presentation and the supplemental videos from YWCA Trauma Informed Practices Title IX presentation by Colleen Zavodny and Erin Richards discussing ways to utilize trauma informed care responses and threat assessments, from intake to investigation.
Decoding Digital Abuse
The following link contains the presentation Decoding Digital Abuse: Prevention Strategies for 2020 and Beyond + Insights on Pending Title IX Regulations
- Decoding Digital Abuse (webinar)
New Title IX Regulations on Sexual Harassment
The following link will take you to the presentation: The New Title IX Regulations on Sexual Harassment - Hosted by HMBR’s Debbie L. Osgood
Nehemiah Trinity Rising Training
The materials below contain the Restorative Justice four day Training Reading list and Description-Hosted by Nehemiah Trinity Rising
- NTR Training Description (PDF)
- NTR Resource List (PDF)
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities - Title IX Training
A total of five hours of virtual training to discuss what you need to know about the new Title IX regulations. Anyone who clicks the link will be taken to a landing page where they will be asked to provide their name and email and to agree to an acknowledgement regarding the purpose of access to the materials. They will then be able to access the training materials.
Please note that the materials may not be viewable while using Internet Explorer. We recommend viewing with a different browser.
- CCCU Title IX Training – Part One (website)
- CCCU Title IX Training – Part Two (website)
Title IX & Beyond Program Materials-August 2020
A two day virtual training program for new Title IX regulations. When you click the link below you will be taken to a pdf file containing program materials.
ATIXA (Association of Title IX Administrator) Training Materials 2020-21
To Members of the Public Accessing This Site
34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) requires all ATIXA training materials to be posted publicly. This site facilitates the centralization of hundreds of materials developed by and owned by ATIXA, which can be linked to by individual colleges and schools.
The materials posted to this site are proprietary and are copyrighted. Those copyrights are registered with the Library of Congress. The legal penalties for copyright infringement range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed, and the infringer pays for all attorneys’ fees and court costs.
Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose. Any such use will result in damages equivalent to the full-per-head registration costs to the applicable ATIXA training, plus damages for reputational harm to ATIXA, in addition to any copyright infringement fines and/or penalties.
Proceeding to use and access the content on this page demonstrates your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. To contact ATIXA with questions about any of the contents of this site, please email info@atixa.org.
Additional 2020-21 Training
Completed and available upon request and listed below. Please contact Betsy Pringle, Title IX Office Assistant: betsy.pringle@wheaton.edu 630.752.7515 for provider shared materials.
- 40-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training Opportunity