Appointment Policies
Appointment Reminders
All students with appointments will be emailed at least 24 hours prior to their appointment. Students who have same-day appointments, or who schedule an appointment within 24 hours, will not be given a reminder email.
"No Show" Policy
A missed appointment or “no show" occurs when a patient fails to give appropriate notice that the appointment cannot be kept. A missed appointment leaves an empty slot that could have been used by a patient in need of medical care. Not cancelling an appointment in a timely fashion is unfair to other patients and also to the medical provider. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please notify SHS at least 24 hours in advance so that we can accommodate our other patients' needs.
Students may be charged a fine at SHS' discretion for their no-show fee if they have been reminded in advance of their appointment time and do not show up to the appointment or are 10 minutes late.
It is good practice to arrive 10 minutes early to a provider appointment so that intake paperwork can be completed promptly.
Excuse Policy
Student Health Services does not provide medical excuses for students who have missed classes, exams, or due dates for papers or projects. Our reasons include our commitment to patient confidentiality, our role in educating students about appropriate use of health care, our concern for furthering the developmental transitions of young adulthood, our lack of direct knowledge about illness or injuries effectively managed by self care, and our own finite resources.