Allergy Immunotherapy

Dear Referring Healthcare Provider,

We are glad that you have chosen to refer your patient for continuation of allergy immunotherapy care to the Wheaton College Student Health Services (SHS).  We take this responsibility seriously and want to make our requirements clear so that the student patient is taken care of in a quality manner in our office.  This letter is simply to inform you of our practices within our primary care practice.  If after reading this, you and the student patient would like to pursue SHS as an option to administer this specialized service, a more specific note of instructions will follow. Please review the following requirements:

If at this time you believe that SHS can provide quality care for your student patient, we request that you please review the Collaborative Services Agreement, sign, print name, date and return.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please let our office know if you have further concerns


Beth Walsh, RN, MSN, CPNP
Director, Student Health Services
Wheaton College, IL