We are located on the first floor of North Harrison Hall, Suite 130 (across from Fischer Residence Hall and on the north side of the tennis courts off of Harrison Street). Enter through the east doors.
- Monday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
- Tuesday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
- Wednesday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
- Thursday 8:00AM-4:00PM
- Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Administrative hours Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM (Friday is the same as hours listed above)
Summer hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (admin staff), Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm (clinic), Medical Providers (MD/NP) are only available in the month of July on Tuesdays only.
Students do not need an appointment to see a Student Health Services (SHS) nurse, but it is highly recommended. An appointment is necessary to see a SHS medical provider (MD, NP).
The services of the Wheaton College SHS are available to all actively enrolled students regardless of your health insurance coverage.
Graduating seniors, Graduate and PhD students may continue to use Student Health Services for 2 weeks after graduation. Due to the liability and billing practices, SHS cannot continue care past this time. We will assist you in finding excellent care in the community if needed.
Student Health Services maintains all student medical records for ten years from the time of graduation, transfer or withdrawal.
SHS has an International Travel Clinic that provides consultations and immunizations for Wheaton College sponsored trips or for personal for travel students only. Please fill out the Traveler's Intake form from GPS and send it to the travel nurse, then wait to hear back from her on whether you need to make a travel consultation appointment. If she says it is necessary, call 630.752.5072 to schedule your appointment.
No. Because of our commitment to patient confidentiality, educating students about appropriate health care, and due to our lack of direct knowledge about illness or injuries effectively managed by self-care, SHS does not provide medical excuses for students who have missed classes, exams, or due dates for papers or projects. SHS will only provide a medical excuse to the Student Development office after being seen by a physician or nurse practitioner, if this is part of the prescribed treatment plan.
While many services at SHS are free of cost, many also have charges. For all charges incurred at SHS you will receive an itemized Explanation of Charges statement in your CPO box following your visit. In the meantime, all charges will be transferred to your Wheaton College Student Account for payment in full. You may be eligible to receive reimbursement from your health insurance company or medical flex spend account. For instructions about submitting your claims, please contact your insurance company. For questions about charges at Student Health Services, please call 630.752.5072 or email us.
Call 630.752.5072; email us at student.health.services@wheaton.edu or just stop by.
The Explanation of Charges statement received in your CPO is an itemized list of charges that can be submitted to your health insurance company. All charges are payable to Student Accounts. Student Health Services does not bill insurance companies.