The Pub
We are Wheaton College's unofficial student journal, seeking to engage culturally immediate issues in our community of thinkers and believers.
The Pub is a journal written and produced by and for members of the Wheaton College community; it is created to be a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue about culturally immediate issues; the ideas expressed in The Pub are based upon our shared commitment to the Christian faith and carefully consider the implications that faith has for our engagement with contemporary concerns.
The Pub seeks to bring members of our campus community into discussion of issues that affect the intersection of our intellectual and Christian lives. There are outlets on campus for artistic expression, but, strangely, there is no outlet for the academic or analytical. Classes certainly provide some sort of means for this, but there is no real way to engage such things outside the classroom. The result can be a community of superb analytical thinkers who are unable to say anything meaningful to the people around them. The Pub provides a venue for assessing the ideas and beliefs we gain in the classroom against those of our entire community, not just those of a professor or a circle of friends. As Christian intellectuals, we are called to think in light of an entire community of believers, and The Pub seeks to be part of that holistic intellectual and spiritual dialogue.