WhInklings Campus Writing Group

WhInklings is a writing group for members of the Wheaton College community, sponsored by the Wheaton College Tolkien Society. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month to discuss submissions and provide feedback. All genres and formats are welcome for submissions, but we are particular fans of genre fiction. Our goals are to foster community, improvement in our writing, creativity, and encouragement.

Our name (Wheaton + Inklings) is inspired by the Inklings writing group that met in Oxford and included writers C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
- Group "Code of Conduct" document
- 2019 Record Article on WhInklings from the Wheaton Record, October 4, 2019
- For more information contact group facilitator, Laura Stanifer, Archivist of the Marion E. Wade Center
We'd love to meet you, join us!