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Posted April 8, 2022 by Center for Family and Relational Health
Tags: Center for Family and Relational Health

Looking for Pre-marital Counseling? Choose Prepare/Enrich at the Center for Family & Relational Health

Prepare-Enrich Logo

Prepare/Enrich is an effective tool for premarital counseling, which offers an in-depth relationship assessment backed by research. The Prepare/Enrich inventory covers areas of communication, conflict resolution, partner lifestyle and habit, financial management, affection and sexuality, family and friends, relationship roles and expectations, stress management, differences in personalities, and spiritual beliefs. 

How it works: Couples will individually fill out the online inventory at home. Then they will meet with a couples therapist, certified in Prepare/Enrich, to go over the results. Couples will receive a report identifying strengths and growth areas and the therapist will provide tools to increase unity and relationship satisfaction between partners. Couples typically meet with the therapist for 4-6 sessions.

Contact the Center for Family & Relational Health today to learn more about pre-marital counseling with Prepare/Enrich.

Phone: 630.733.8161