Erik Most ’13, #30under30
Erik Most ’13
Student Life Director and Bible Teacher
Calvary Christian Academy
Wheaton Major in Bible/Theology and Communication
Currently lives in Fort Lauderdale, FL
"Wheaton demonstrated the immense power of discipleship in an academic setting."
When Erik Most ’13 first arrived on campus at Wheaton College, he didn’t know what major to pursue. After a semester of taking general education courses, he felt frustrated by his lack of passion or direction toward any particular major.
He’ll never forget his freshman year roommate’s question: “Look at your bookshelves that are filled with Bible commentaries and systematic theologies. Why aren’t you majoring in Bible/Theology?”
Most signed up for a Biblical and Theological Studies major the very next day and never looked back.
These days, Most is a Bible Teacher and Student Life Director at Calvary Christian Academy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida—and he uses lessons learned at Wheaton daily in his job. For instance, he uses Dr. Keith Johnson’s “stick figure theology” in his own classes. He also recalls Johnson’s encouragement, support, and thoughtfulness as he teaches his own students now. Most, who says he was inspired by President Dr. Philip Ryken’s professionalism and scholarship, not to mention his serious intramural basketball skills, seeks to employ a similar high level of professionalism and scholarship to his own work.
As a teacher, Most also enjoys getting to encourage his students with the gospel.
“I love that teaching puts me on the front lines, walking with students as they consider the implications of the gospel in their lives,” he says.
During his time at Wheaton, Most also joined a small discipleship group that met weekly for three years with Wheaton Ph.D. student Dane Ortlund, to encourage one another in the gospel. Although the group has since scattered across the country, they’ve kept up the pattern of meeting with others to build them up in the gospel. They also look forward to meeting together at an annual reunion in Wisconsin.
“Wheaton demonstrated the immense power of discipleship in an academic setting,” he says. “My lifelong friendship with those guys is perhaps the most valuable thing Wheaton gave me.”--Emily Bratcher