Multicultural Development

Multicultural Development exists as a home for students of color and for ALL students committed to a greater understanding of Christ-centered diversity and biblical justice, particularly in terms of racial identity development and relationships, as a reflection of the imago dei.

24-25 OMD Group

From the perspective of our unity in Christ, OMD works with the student organizations to provide multiple venues for fellowship, reflection, friendship, cultural celebration and addressing contemporary issues of diversity. Each of the organizations offer these venues out of gratitude for the gifts the Lord has given us in each of our distinct cultural backgrounds.

Culture-based Organizations

Unidad Cristiana, which means Christian Unity, strives to live out the full meaning of that name. We desire to come together through the unity that we have in Christ and out of that unity to celebrate and explore Latino cultures.


25-26 Unidad Cristiana Student Leadership Application

The William Osborne Society exists to foster community among the Black students on campus as well as create opportunities for the Wheaton campus as a whole to learn about and experience Black Culture.

We invite ALL to our campus announced events!

25-26 William Osborne Society Student Leadership Application

Multi-ethnic Organizations

1-2-1 provides upperclassmen that serve as mentors, encouragers, guides, and friends to first-year students.


25-26 1-2-1 Student Leadership Application

The Gospel Choir's purpose is to worship and serve God and to spread His good news in song to "the nations" through Black Gospel music.

We invite ALL students to our auditions, performances, and concerts!

Wheaton College Gospel Choir Online Store 


The Shalom Community is a living and learning community born out of a partnership between Residence Life and the Office of Multicultural Development. It’s an opportunity for like-minded students to share their common interests as well as their living space.

25-26 Shalom Community Application

The NEXUS is responsible for cultivating and maintaining a creative space for community connection, within and outside of the college, but all within the multicultural community and Kingdom of God.

25-26 NEXUS Student Leadership Application


Wheaton College equips students to build the church and benefit society worldwide for Christ and His Kingdom. Supporting this mission, the Summit Multicultural Leadership Scholars (SMLS) program welcomes up to 15 exceptional students each year who demonstrate commitment to Kingdom diversity. The imagery of a summit symbolizes students' achievements and experiences along with aspirations for continued growth at Wheaton.