November 2024

November 2024 

From the President

Philip G. Ryken President Wheaton College IL

Dear Parents, 

I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving Day!

That’s true every year. With it’s singular focus on gratitude, Thanksgiving might be my favorite holiday. Also, our pace on campus slows that week, giving me a rare chance to get caught up on my work for the College a bit, instead of falling ever further behind.

But this year’s Thanksgiving promises to be extra special. All sixteen grandchildren from my side of the family are planning to attend, plus four spouses, two fiancées, and a couple of great-granddaughters. This was all the younger generation’s idea—they want to bless their grandparents and get photos with the entire family. Also, they are pooling their musical and biblical talents to plan a full family worship service. And get this: they are also planning to do all the cooking. Not bad for a group of teenagers and twenty-somethings!

Most of these family members are Wheaton alums, or Wheaton students, or they will be soon. Collectively, they demonstrate the reverence, gratitude, and loving service we hope to cultivate in all our students and to see in all our graduates.

Lisa and I hope and pray that whether your students will be home for the holidays this year, or not, you will be grateful to see the same virtues in your beloved Wheaties.

With thanksgiving,

Philip Ryken
Philip Ryken

Family Weekend 2024 (2) 825 x 300Family Weekend

It was a joy to have parents, grandparents, siblings, and guardians on campus for Family Weekend, November 1-2. Thanks to all you came!

Many of our families enjoyed Friday’s Chapel service where Chaplain Wilson preached, the football game where the Thunder beat the Elmhurst Cardinals, and the Family Weekend Concert where Wheaton’s gifted student musicians gave a beautiful performance.

Another highlight was the President’s Prayer time where Dr. Ryken gave a devotional message prior to parents praying together using the Alumni and Parent Prayer Card.

If you were not able to attend Family Weekend, know you were missed and that we hope to see you soon!

Center for Vocation and Career - Sophomore Series

This month we have the fourth installment of our 5-part Sophomore Series, Voyage 4: Tools for Your Journey! Our alumni presenters will lead students through a series of breakout sessions covering topics such as interview basics, developing an elevator pitch, and maximizing LinkedIn. In addition to a delicious dinner and these resource-packed breakout sessions, students can have their free professional headshot taken and compete in our elevator pitch competition to win some fantastic prizes! 

This event is filled with practical takeaways for your sophomore as they continue to discern how God is shaping their journey and how they can begin to tell their vocational story. Voyage 4: Tools for Your Journey takes place on November 21st from 5:00-7:00pm. If you are the parent of a sophomore, encourage them to sign up on Handshake

Experience Fall at Wheaton 

Invite your friends to visit Wheaton this fall! A visit offers: 

Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to meet the people who make Wheaton a place to call home. Encourage your friends and their students to experience Wheaton this season and see all that awaits beyond the fall! 

Wheaton College Christmas Festival – December 6 and 7

The Wheaton College Christmas FestivalDraw Near, will occur on December 6 and 7. The concert will feature the Wheaton College Choirs, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Groups, soloists, and more! Purchase tickets and get more information. 

Can’t make it in person? The 7:30 p.m. performances on Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7 will be livestreamed. Join via livestream.

Inside Smith Dorm 825 x 400Campus Housing during Holiday Breaks

Thanksgiving Housing: College housing and meal service remain open during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Christmas Housing: College housing closes at noon on Friday, December 20 and reopens at 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 11. The regular meal plan ends with dinner on Thursday, December 19 and resumes with dinner on Saturday, January 11.

All campus housing closes for Christmas Break. However, we do offer limited campus housing for a select group of students who are required to be on campus or are unable to travel home for break.

With permission through the Residence Life Office, students may stay during Christmas Break for the following reasons:

- athletics
- students who live internationally
- graduate students living in Saint and Elliot, Michigan Apartments, and the LaBar house
- class participation or for-credit internship

Information on the approval process, deadlines and fees may be found on our website.  

Housing Calendar

As you plan future arrival and departure dates, please reference our housing calendar.

Summer Ministry Trips and Finals Care Packages

Encourage your students to apply for Spring Break and Summer ministry trips through Student Missionary Partners! Student Missionary Partners (SMP) exists to partner with national and international parachurch organizations to curate immersive, cross-cultural, short-term ministry experiences that develop global Christians. SMP spring break and summer trips give students the opportunity to learn from, serve with, and partner alongside our friends across the globe in the redemptive, healing work of the gospel. Applications will be open through November 13, 2024.

Send your student(s) a Finals Care Package to encourage them during finals week! The care packages will include small gifts, snacks, fruit, and a personal note from you. This fundraising initiative supports Ministry & Evangelism programs on campus, locally, in the US, and around the world. While we do not require a specific amount for the care package, we ask that you prayerfully consider a donation. Place your Finals Care Package order here!

Summer Employment and Paid Internships at HoneyRock

Is your student looking for a great summer job or internship? Applications for HoneyRock Summer Staff 2025 are open. Our summer staff can earn up to $2,200 while teaching and developing campers and leading engaging activity areas: Equestrian, Mountain Biking, Fishing, Arts and crafts, Climbing, and more. Summer employment at HoneyRock allows students to be immersed in creation, engage in intentional community, and do meaningful work. It’s an opportunity for personal transformation while also impacting the lives of campers. Students Apply Here

Global Programs and Studies

Wheaton students continue to engage in academic programs around the world! Currently, there are 47 Wheaton students studying and interning abroad this semester, 18 of whom are nearing completion of six-month internships through Human Needs & Global Resources (HNGR). During the spring 2025 semester, we anticipate 20 Wheaton in Mexico participants and an additional 30 students on other study abroad programs.

“Think Summer!” Most summer 2025 international programs are accepting applications with varying deadlines, so encourage your student to apply now!

Global programs can complement any major at Wheaton and are offered fall, spring, and summer. Students with an interest in studying abroad and/or completing international internships are invited to explore options through Global Programs and Studies.

Thankful message 825 x 300 How to Pray for Wheaton this Month

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving,

The Wheaton College Parent Engagement Team

Blanchard in fall 825 x 300