Videoconferencing on Microsoft Teams!

Posted April 7, 2021 by Academic and Institutional Technology
Tags: Department News

Videoconferencing on Microsoft Teams!

We are so thankful for the option we have to use Microsoft Teams as our enterprise solution for video conferencing!  Teams has come a long way in the last few years, and we are pleased with the service it provides.

Now is the time to switch over to using Microsoft Teams for all of your video conferencing needs.  We, as an institution, will be discontinuing the use of Zoom going forward.  One of the reasons for this change is that some devices struggle when trying to support two competing kinds of software.  Some people on our campus have experienced issues where it is challenging to switch from one software to the other (suddenly the audio isn’t in their headphones anymore, or the camera isn’t recognized—little glitches like that).  Our hope is that using Microsoft Teams exclusively will help to mitigate those issues.

In addition, we will be able to recoup some savings by making this change.  This is all part of our larger Microsoft Investment Optimization work.  You can read more about that here.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 630.752.4357 (HELP).